About Golf Sunglasses
It’s no coincidence that most golf professionals wear sunglasses while playing. Although golf sunglasses certainly enhance the style of players wearing them, they also provide many benefits that can have a major impact on performance.
Today we’ll talk about what golf sunglasses can do for you, and what you can do to protect your eyes and look great as you swing.

Golfing eyewear can boost your accuracy
It’s remarkably difficult to execute a perfect shot with sunrays firing straight in your eyes. Many golfers believe wearing a cap can help with this issue, but more often than not, you’ll face issues with glare and your shots will suffer. Golfing sunglasses are not meant to be just stylish; they are the actual training aid products that can significantly improve your performance on the field.
Eyewear Solutions
Beingbar’s eco eyewear solutions
Beingbar is one of the most reputable brands in the eco-friendly eyewear industry. The brand specializes in manufacturing top-tier golfing sunglasses that are both stylish and packed with quality features. Additionally, the vast majority of Beingbar products are available at highly approachable prices.
Beingbar’s UV400 protection sunglasses look remarkably stylish, offer substantial glare reduction, protection from all ultra-violet rays, and they’re built to withstand decades of use.Golfing eyewear can boost your accuracy
It’s remarkably difficult to execute a perfect shot with sun rays firing straight in your eyes. Many golfers believe wearing a cap can help with this issue, but more often than not, you’ll face issues with glare and your shots will suffer. Golfing sunglasses are not meant to be just stylish; they are the actual training aid products that can significantly improve your performance on the field.

Tinted golfing sunglasses
Fortunately, golfing sunglasses come in a variety of tint colors, allowing you to not only mitigate problems regarding glare, but also tackle challenges in terms of green-reading, depth reading, and clarity.
The color of the lens affects a broad array of performance-oriented elements, including contrast, depth perception, glare reduction, and visibility in poorly lit conditions.
Brown, amber, and green-tinted sunglasses are generally regarded as the best tints for golfing. They dramatically increase depth perception and contrast, reduce glare, as well as enhance clarity. Some players may not find them as too comfortable on particularly sunny days as they don’t affect contrast as much.
Yellow and orange-tinted sunglasses are remarkable when it comes to depth perception. They also offer a more natural, less invasive form of contrast, although they may somewhat hinder your green reading capabilities. They’re typically best for nighttime golfing.
Gray and white-tinted sunglasses are non-invasive, neutral, and won’t distort any colors you see. They are generally great for golfers who want to have a smooth golfing experience without any particular benefits or disadvantages.
Red-tinted sunglasses are known for their ability to improve contrast, albeit at the expense of clarity and visibility. They are to be avoided by golf players, as they will distort most colors, hindering your depth and green reading, clarity, and overall perception.
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For Golfers looking to get better...
Furthermore, most polarized sunglasses are capable of reducing the night-vision degradation phenomenon (nyctalopia). This means that you will be able to have a clearer perception, better green reading, and improved depth perception for longer periods of time, in addition to your eyes being able to get accustomed to the dark faster.
Golfing with style without sacrificing comfort
Hats are very convenient and useful when it comes to providing a bit of shade for your eyes. However, you will need to actively search for good positions so as to ‘create’ a small cover, which is an unnecessary distraction that can have a negative impact on your game performance.
Golfing sunglasses are not only more convenient, but they’re also aesthetically superior. Furthermore, you can wear your golfing sunglasses on pretty much all occasions; playing other sports, commuting, traveling, and the list goes on and on.
Golfing sunglasses are more comfortable to use over extended periods, as you won’t need to re-adjust them or reposition around the sun every couple of minutes.
Look great at any time of day or night
While it’s obvious that golfing eyewear is generally used to ‘dim’ the effects of sun rays during the daytime, certain sunglasses can actually boost your night vision, allowing you to play in near pitch-black conditions.
First and foremost, wearing sunglasses during the day will improve your dark adaptation capabilities. In other words, golf players sporting protective eyewear have an advantage over people who don’t even during nighttime competitions and matches.
Furthermore, most polarized sunglasses are capable of reducing the night-vision degradation phenomenon (nyctalopia). This means that you will be able to have a clearer perception, better green reading, and improved depth perception for longer periods of time, in addition to your eyes being able to get accustomed to the dark faster.

Not sure the best way to get started? Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running:
Step #1 - Understand What Sunglasses Features You Need:
Sunglasses FAQ | Polarized Lenses | UV 400 Label
Wooden Sunglasses | Best Sunglasses For Men
Step #2 - Select Your Perfect Sunglasses:
Size Guide | Face Shape | Select Your Perfect Pair
Step #3 - Ordering and Maintenance of Your Sunglasses:
Shipping and Handling | Packaging Policy
Cleaning Your Sunglasses | Maintenance
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