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You have been searching for a new pair of quality shades, but you're not sure which brand to go for? You might have tried on shades from the so-called “big brands” but can't find anything that is truly unique and inspiring?
Do you perhaps prefer to wear something beyond just eyewear, in sync with your personality? From a brand with a distinct message?
A different choice, beyond product quality
It really can be overwhelming and difficult to make the right choice of sunglasses among the hundreds of brands and thousands of models available out there. As it stands, you might not care too much about brands, but still want to look fashionable? And wouldn’t you want to wear sustainable products, distinguishing you from the pack?
So, what if we told you that there are beautiful products out the that serve their purpose beyond just functionality (because most sunglasses out there do what they should). A perfect pair that offers additional features at no extra cost?
Introducing, BEINGBAR, an eyewear brand that goes the extra mile in crafting high quality products with all the additional features you could possibly be looking for. While not compromising environmental impact as most brands, they tell a unique story that others don't.
Creating products with You in mind
A stylish brand with quite a contradictive message, BEINGBAR adopts an innovative approach to creating fashionable products with the user’s satisfaction as starting point: They redirect the attention of people to what actually matters – the importance of being conscious and living in the moment, staying fully in the present and relishing every moment of it. The brands and their imposed identities aren’t what matters.
The founders of BEINGBAR realised a fundamental truth known from ages past that peace of mind is not found in certain posessions and activities but deep cited in everyone. This stems from living in the present moment. The BEINGBAR brand then consciously created great looking products with a mission to continuously remind you (the wearer) of this truth.
Reminders of Being
It is quite easy for the human mind to wander back and forth into the past and future, perhaps worried about what wasn’t done well or what is to be done, consequently leading to distractions and stress. This then eventually results in the mind forgetting what actually matters instead of being grounded and balanced.
Present Moment Reminders
The BEINGBAR products are “Reminders of Being”, continuously sending a subtle reminder to focus on what matters, pulling your attention to where it should be: Always. Here. Now. This resonates with the brand’s vision geared towards helping you enjoying every single moment of your life. Enjoy inner peace, redirect your focus to what’s most important, and maximise your fullpotential.
Mindful choices in eyewear, heralding what matters most
In the search for products or brands for the choice of eyewear that fits your requirements and expectations, it is normal to prefer or require different options based on functionality and features they possess. But you might agree that these things do not “add” to you or make you more complete.
The BEINGBAR brand beautifully crafts great looking products with their simple, yet unique mantra, “Always. Here. Now.” inscribed on every design. Subtly reminding you of what is most important and matters to you – staying fully in the present. The reminder is hidden. It's there if it means something to you. Hardly noticeable if it doesn't
BEINGBAR is a choice that inculcates its outstanding philosophy, (“Stay present and focus on what matters while looking awesome!”) in you at every sight and use of its product. Not just what any big brand does.
Exceptional designs, making you stand out
BEINGBAR products have a rare and unique design. They relate to your personality and make you stand out confidently being you. These fashionable ranges of crafted designs single you out from the crowd.
Some Special design features and characteristics
Let’s explore some of the special features and characteristics of the BEINGBAR Eyewear unique products:
1. Handcrafted with utmost care
BEINGBAR products are creatively made by hand. This makes each of them unique. The products are made under suitable and good working conditions with the care that extends to everything and everyone in the environment.
2. Natural material-based
Here’s yet another unique feature of BEINGBAR products. They are made from organic, natural materials to limit the use of plastics. Some models are made using fast-growing bamboo while some are made using wooden elements. This gives each model a feel and touch of distinctiveness.
3. High-quality materials
Beingbar adopts the use of high-quality lenses to protect you from ultraviolet radiation and quality flex hinges to enhance the comfort and durability of its sunglasses.
4. Reminders to Stay Present and Focused
Engraved on the product’s design is the brand’s unique message (Always. Here. Now.), reminding you to stay present and focused, finding inner peace while looking awesome.
5. Numerous unique choices
With the availability of different models in various shapes, colours, and designs to make a choice from, Beingbar offers you quality sun eyewear with a unique message.

Not sure the best way to get started? Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running:
Step #1 - Understand What Sunglasses Features You Need:
Sunglasses FAQ | Polarized Lenses | UV 400 Label
Wooden Sunglasses | Best Sunglasses For Men
Step #2 - Select Your Perfect Sunglasses:
Size Guide | Face Shape | Select Your Perfect Pair
Step #3 - Ordering and Maintenance of Your Sunglasses:
Shipping and Handling | Packaging Policy
Cleaning Your Sunglasses | Maintenance
Step #4 - Connect With The Community:
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Made To Last | Environmentally Friendly