Sunglasses protect the delicate component tissues of your eyes that help you interpret light into vision. In times past, people used face shading caps or hats to shade their faces but those are much less effective compared to a good pair of sunglasses.
You might have bought a lot of sunglasses and never had to worry about the grade or quality of the products you bought. Sunglasses do a good job of protecting the eyes but what makes one different from another is its ability to withstand the powerful punch of the damaging Ultraviolet radiation. This ability could also be the reason that the pair of sunglasses you like so much is so very expensive. Most sunglasses are prescription grade and they offer certain benefits of protection.
Top-quality eye protection doesn't always come cheap.
What eye conditions am I protecting my eyes from when I use sunglasses?
Let us delve right into the subject matter. In a simple phrase, the answer to this question is "Cancer of the eyes"!
As you probably know already, cancer affects tissues of the ailing body part or organ. It can affect the eyes as well. A descriptive illustration is the use of sunscreen. People use sunscreen to mitigate the risks of skin cancer stemming from constant exposure to the UV rays of the sun. Some people are liable to develop this skin condition more than others but everyone is susceptible to eye cancer.
Thing is, the layers of the eyes form the skin around it and their usage makes them direct recipients of the UV rays. The biological principle guiding the process of sight is founded on the fact that everything we see is a result of the effect of light that bounces off the surfaces of such objects. That is a pretty subliminal cause for exposure but most people cannot resist the temptation to gaze directly at the sun at times.
Hence, sunglasses function as sunblocks that prevent UV rays from sunburning the tissues of the eyes which can ultimately lead to the development of certain eye conditions. We will talk about these in a bit. Let us underline the fact that the more you go around without sunglasses, the closer you drift towards developing eye conditions such as macular degeneration, pterygium, glaucoma, cataracts, melanoma, and snow blindness. We will address a few of these below.
Macular Degeneration (MD)
The name of this condition was coined from "macula" which is a part of the retina located at the back of the eye. The role of this part of the eye is to focus vision, interpret colors and shapes that we see. MD is the major cause of the gradual loss of vision in millions of Americans and the casualties are still on the rise.
If the part of the eye that helps an individual focus his or her vision deteriorates, you can expect him or her to exhibit; blurry vision accompanied by preternatural color blindness. The major sign is the development of a dark gray or dark spot at the center of their vision. While the cause of this condition may be hereditary, there are environmental factors that can contribute to it as well -- such as ultraviolet rays from the sun, blue light exposure from electronic devices, LED lights, etc.
This is why you need proper high-quality sunglasses. With early detection of this condition and the prompt usage of sunglasses, the progression of MD can be slowed or put to a grinding halt.
When the eyes are exposed directly to the sun for a long period of time (years), cataracts can form. This is evident in the gradual clouding of vision which ultimately progresses into blindness as in Macular degeneration. Sunglasses protect the eyes from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays which sponsors growths on the eyes and develops into an uncommon form of cancer.
The risk of cataracts gets higher as we age and adorning sunglasses does a great job of delaying or stopping MD which precedes the onset of cataract development.
A chronic case of glaucoma can sneak up on you slowly and you will be oblivious to It until it becomes severe. Usually, it sets in when there is a gradual buildup of extra fluid in your eye thereby leading to enormous pressure on the visual nerves. This leads to damage and impedes a clear vision. The good news is that this condition can be prevented with early detection and the use of prescription-grade sunglasses.
Now, are the risks of exposure limited to a particular season?
No, not at all. Usually, people will stereotype this due to the reference to the sun and claim that probably it will be good to only wear sunglasses in the summertime. You know that is when the sun gets all-powerful. Cliche, right?
However, for all-round protection of the eyes, if you are serious about it, you should wear it --a week in and out; summer, spring, autumn, and winter.
UV rays are always in circulation irrespective of the sun's sparse appearance. Have you ever heard of snow blindness? This may not be a permanent condition but it buttresses the point that sunglasses are effective across seasons. The UV rays that bounce off the snow in snowy regions are responsible for this condition. It may persist for a few days.
It is important to buy the right kind of sunglasses that provides adequate UV protection.

Not sure the best way to get started? Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running:
Step #1 - Understand What Sunglasses Features You Need:
Sunglasses FAQ | Polarized Lenses | UV 400 Label
Wooden Sunglasses | Best Sunglasses For Men
Step #2 - Select Your Perfect Sunglasses:
Size Guide | Face Shape | Select Your Perfect Pair
Step #3 - Ordering and Maintenance of Your Sunglasses:
Shipping and Handling | Packaging Policy
Cleaning Your Sunglasses | Maintenance
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