Discover Your Next Shades...
BEINGBAR® Sun Eyewear

You might be thinking about buying new sunglasses for the upcoming season. And if you're not careful you will end up wearing exactly what everyone else is wearing, devoid of anything unique or special. Which at best means that you will blend in with the crowd, not standing out at all and not expressing your true self.
You'll probably end up with an expensive, but "samey", technically ok, run-of-the-mill, uninspired product that is not built to last en that will end up on a plastic landfill somewhere soon.
And that's when the "big brands" expect you to buy their next expensive pair...
Luckily for you there is now an alternative. An answer to every burning sunglasses-related question mark in your mind. A brand that puts you, your uniqueness and your happiness at the starting point, before everything else. With more personal products that are not mass produced, but hand crafted with care. To really last. And that limit the use of plastic wherever possible, in both product and packaging! Inspired products that even help you focus on making the most of every single moment...
Let me introduce you to BEINGBAR®! We're a small Sunglasses and Fashion Accessories brand from Amsterdam that put you and the environment first. Well before profit, because we're on a mission. With organic designs that make you stand out and enable you to truly express yourself. And it doesn't end there: Your BEINGBAR® comes standard with many high grade premium features that other brands charge big premiums for.
Why You Choose BEINGBAR® Sun Eyewear:
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