Sunglasses Subcription™
Gives You Full Control and Flexibility
Perhaps you're just not the type to shop around. You want stability and just get new sunglasses once or a couple times a year. You can choose exactly which models you want. Or you can choose to be surprised!
Just set things up once and you're set, from sunny season to sunny season. .. until you want something else. Which is also fine. Because with Sunglasses Sunscription™ you can cancel anytime. No corporate hurdles, no difficult questions asked. Promised!

As seen on:

Sunglasses Subscription Only Has Benefits For You
Did you ever expect you can wear the newest styles polarized sunglasses with premium features for as little as $5.99 per month? The Sunglasses Subscription program only has benefits for you. You have full freedom, flexibility and the best possible pricing. And you're never stuck or locked in a long term contract. Cancel anytime and only pay what you received. Yes, it's that simple and transparent!
Choose what you love, how you like it
You decide what colors and shapes you like. Or choose the specific models, from the entire collection. At this time we even include the Limited Edition models!
Reduced prices and low monthly fees
When you become a Sunglasses Subscription member, you pay the lowest possible prices. In fact: you pay the same, lowest price for every model. That's right! Any model. You just pay a low, fixed monthly fee, which includes shipping and handling.
Quit anytime. You're always free and flexible
You can cancel anytime. No need to wait until a year has passed. No nasty tricks with "cancel two months before renewal". We dislike those things just as much as you do!
Sunglasses Subscription Customization Tool
* How the discounts are calculated (example):
Standard, transactional prices are up to $99. If you would select three different models of $99.- each, with three different moments of shipping, you would pay. 3 x $99.- = $297.- + 3 x shipping fees of up to $20.- is maximum of $60.-. Total is $357.-
With Sunglasses Subscription ("Platinum II" pack) you pay $19.99 per month for three pairs including shipping. Total is $239.88. That's up to 33% discount in this example.
How does Sunglasses Subscription work?
"It's a fresh style-in-a-box, without hassle and scary commitments!"
You are in control! You decide how often you want to receive a fresh pair of sunglasses.
Choose between: 1, 2 and 3 times a year
You are in control! You decide when you want to receive a fresh pair of sunglasses.
Choose your dates or simply take our suggestion
Enjoy every single moment. You'll always have a fresh pair of the Ultimate Conscious and Sustainable sunglasses. With the best features and polarized lenses.
"Don't worry. We designed the Sunglasses Subscription™ program for you. to give you full freedom and flexibility. You're not stuck in one of those corporatey "lock-in-and-never-leave" programs that feel like a bad marriage. Youll be free, flexible and in control! You can cancel anytime."